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It Started Off So Well...

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Ayuo guys I would like to share my recent trip with you!


as the title says it all started off so well! but soon tured bad! lol


got to the farm with about 1 hour of light left. found a small lump of wood and put it up with a shoot and see target to check zero , this was 31 yards so I was hoping it would be abit low. but it was a bit high.. must have nocked the scope. ah well, I setoff to my proper zeroing tree, hoping to see a few squirrels on the way. knowing the zero was ok and I would just aim off slightly.





seen a woody about 40 yards so took a kneeling shot. it went well and was a great shot if I do say so myself.. but with the zero being off I just skimmed the feathers at the top of its head giving it a free haircut. watching it fly off through the scope and then 4 small feathers floating down to the ground made me feel quite gutted! :blink::laugh:


got to the tree where I usually sit and set up a target at 28 yds. heres 3 shots as big as 2 pellet holes. bang on the crosshair after a few adjustments :thumbs: that will do in a slight breeze :boogy:




then set it out at 34 to calculate the drop, bang on as it should be at about 3/4 mildots :thumbs: 2 shots through the same hole before the card fell over :icon_eek: lol


then it all went terribly wrong!!


wandering around slowly I can usually see crow/ woodpigeon silhouettes in the dark at about 60 yards easily before I stalk closer. but there was a full moon and no clouds so the birds looked almost invisible!!

they were flying off left right and centre mocking me! and when I did get them in the scope I couldn't see anything with the reticle illuminated, even on its lowest setting! and if I turned it off I could not see the cross against the birds so didn't want to guess wether I was aiming on their heads- that's not fair.

so I didn't take another shot in about 2 friggin hours!

I went to all the usual trees where theres loads roosting but just could not see them!!! until they flew off!


feeling very deflated I went home empty handed and sad that I had nothing for my tea!! :cray:

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